Tag Archives: national security

Thanks, Mrs. O but I'll eat whatever I want

10 Feb

Well, Michelle Obama is officially out to fight childhood obesity.  Why?  Because obese kids are a threat to national security. Yea, you heard me.  Don’t believe me.  Read it here and see for yourself.

“Nanny State?” I think so.  With all due respect Mrs. Obama, I have my own mom.  Thank you.  Last time I checked every human knows that sugar is bad for you, that excessive amounts of fats is bad for you.  The bottom line is, we live in a free country.  If you want to eat yourself to obesity, go right on ahead, you’re free to do so.  It’s not the governments job to tell you what you can and cannot eat.  And this crazy idea that obese children are a threat to national security is beyond hilarious.  Generally, obese children are not the ones dreaming of going to boot camp and having their butts kicked by physical activity. 

What I gather from this “Let’s Move” campaign by Mrs. Obama is- the American people are stupid.  They’re too stupid to know that sugar and junk food is bad for them.  It appears to be another attempt by the government to control another area of our lives.  I’ve got two words for Mrs. Obama and the White House: BACK OFF.

 “The government needs to butt out of my eating habits. If I want to eat doughnuts, I will. If I want some celery sticks, then I’ll have some.”

I saw that pop in my twitter stream from one of my followers.

Oh, and you know what I had for breakfast this morning?mm yummy! cinnamon sugar donuts! And for lunch, I might eat something healthy, I might not.  I’ll be the one to make that decision, not the government.  Thanks.