Tag Archives: Ronald Reagan

Round Up: Palin, Tea Party, Republican Party

7 Feb

Ok, as I’m sure everyone is aware yesterday the first Tea Party Convention ended with a speech from Sarah Palin. Before I talk about Sarah Palin’s speech I wanted to share my thoughts on the Tea Party and it’s impact on the Republican Party.  The Tea Party has announced they are starting a new Political Action Committee which has given rise to the questions of a possible Tea Party third party.  In all honesty, the idea of the Tea Party becoming a third party is a horrible idea.  America is a two party system. Period.  A third party will 1) divide conservatives and 2) solidify wins for the democrats.  Ronald Reagan addressed the issue of a possible third party in his CPAC speech in 1977:

 I believe the Republican Party can hold and should provide the political mechanism through which the goals of the majority of Americans can be achieved. For one thing, the biggest single grouping of conservatives is to be found in that party. It makes more sense to build on that grouping than to break it up and start over. Rather than a third party, we can have a new first party made up of people who share our principles. I have said before that if a formal change in name proves desirable, then so be it.

The point is, the Republican party is a mess right now.  There are some RINO’s that need to go.   The solution, however, is not to start from scratch and build a new party.  The solution is to infiltrate the republican party with true conservatives.  The Tea Party will be a huge help in achevieng that goal.

On to Sarah Palin.  First, let’s just get the whole “Palin cheated using notes” thing out of the way.   I would hardly call it cheating like the Huffington Post did.  Sure, it may not have been the most professional thing ever, but who hasn’t done that before?  The bottom line, in my opinion is that it doesn’t not help her with the people who can’t take her seriously.  I’m a huge Palin fan.   Anyone who read my post about the book signing knows that.  I would assume those were a few point she didn’t want to forget so she jotted them on her hand.  Maybe a napkin would’ve been a better choice but she went for the hand.  Not to mention the fact that I’d rather someone write notes on their hand and take a peek at them for a second than watch a disconnected speech with a nose held high and a teleprompter for an hour.  Just sayin’.  As far as her speech overall, I thought it was excellent.  She sounded comfortable, and fired up.  She hit on all the major issues conservatives are concerned with and she nailed them all.  Her jabs at Obama were winners as well.  Sarah Palin also sat down with FOX New’s Chris Wallace.  During the interview Palin said she wouldn’t rule out a 2012 run, in fact she tought it’d be an awful idea to rule it out.  Which brings me to my last line of discussion in this post.  President Sarah Palin?  Is it  realistic?  Can she do it?  I for one am a huge fan of Sarah Palin, I don’t think she is lacking in experience.  In fact, compared to Obama she has more experience.  I probably would vote for her in a primary, but I can’t say for sure because I don’t know if she will run or who the other candidates will be.  But, let’s imagine she is running.  The reality, in my opinion, is that it will be very difficult for her to win the primary and become the candidate.  I see it that way for several reasons.  One, she is constantly being blasted by the “lamestream media.”  And I know, I know, Sarah Palin doesn’t care what the media says.  But that’s not the point.  People watch the LSM, and they listen.  2008 is a perfect example.  The media did everything possible to make her look ridiculous and in a way they succeeded.  One of my closest friends and one of my teachers said they have a hard time taking her seriously because of what the media did.  Her image has been so distorted by the media and it will only get harder for her to repair that image.  Sure, her base knows the real her.  That doesn’t change the fact that people watch and listen to the LSM.  My other point is that there are a lot of Republicans who will not vote for her.  My dad for one has said he still needs her to convince him she’s the best choice, if she runs.  One of my “tweeps” said he wouldn’t vote for her in the primary but would in the general election.  I think that is the biggest obstacle Sarah Palin will have to overcome if she does decides to run in 2012.  I guess my message is, don’t settle on Sarah right now.  We have no idea who is going to run in 2012.  Yes, Sarah Palin appears to be a great option right now.  But we can’t sit here and say “Sarah Palin will be our next President.”  We don’t know that.  We have got to keep our options open.  In all honesty, I think Sarah Palin is best when she is out giving speeches for other causes and candidates and firing up the base.  I just think it’s a bit premature to say that Sarah Palin will be our candidate in 2012.  Sarah Palin is not the only true conservative out there.  She may be the most popular right now, but she is not the only one.

Update: Remember when the media jumped all over Obama for using a teleprompter to speak to 6th graders?  Oh… wait.  But Palin write 7 words on her hands and media goes nuts.  Go figure

It's Our Time Now

22 Dec

The Founders spent endless days fighting over a vision for this nation.  Our grandparents fought to keep it free for us.  Men and women continue to fight on our behalf today.  Our parents do everything in their power to make our lives pleasant.  But it’s time we take matters into our own hands.  I’m talking to the youth of America.  As I sit here writing this my mind is whirling about with thoughts of what is going on in this country and my heart is heavy.  I am just one of a growing number.  A growing number young people concerned about their futures.  We come from all backgrounds, beliefs, and economic standings.  But we all share one thing in common, we love America.   We love America and have a similar vision.  Our parents have taught us morals and ideals but we also have some thoughts of our own.  We’ve been inspired by the likes of Ben Franklin, George Washington, Ronald Reagan Sarah Palin, and countless others who have gone before us and who are speaking on our behalf right now. The one’s who have fought in the past and fight for our future.  But we have decided we need to take some action of our own.  We’ve started blogs, begun tweeting, gone to tea parties, started reading and becoming informed.  We’ve even started a website.  We’ve set aside our evenings to watch endless debates on cap and trade and healthcare on CSPAN.  We irritate our parents and friends with our endless thoughts on what is happening and what we believe should be done.  We are young but we are not dumb.  Our experience with politics and the way things should be done is limited but, we have common sense.  For most of us, this is all new.  We see our futures being spent by greedy politicians, we watch the debt clock and think “How am I suppose to pay for that?” We see that our wealth is going to be spread around and that common sense inside kicks in and tells us that isn’t right.  We didn’t grow up getting trophies for trying; we got trophies for winning and winning only. We are fed up.  We aren’t going to take it anymore.  We are poised and ready to do what needs to be done to save this country.  We are more than eager to get out and campaign and vote for those candidates we see fit to work for us.  We will stand firm in our convictions and not let anyone tell us to sit down and shut up.  We’re coming Washington.  Watch out.  Our future rests in your hands and we will do what we feel is best for our future and the future of our families. 

Young people, gather round together.  No more sitting idly by as your future is being flushed down the toilet.  Stand up.  Fight for your God given rights.  Don’t let anyone tell you your voice doesn’t matter.  Read up on the issues.  Learn history.  Decide for yourself.  Do you want a future filled with paying for greedy politicians spending sprees?  Do you want a future where you can’t live in a home unless it meets the government’s energy standards to fight a non-existent environmental issue?  Do you want to be told you MUST buy healthcare even though, you know you’ll be fine without it?  Do you want to live in a country run by union thugs?  Do you want to live in a country where any disagreement with the government results in your being punished?  Do you want to be told that what you believe doesn’t matter?  If not, join us at The Conservative Youth Project.  There you can meet other like minded young people dedicated to educating themselves and getting facts out on the issues facing this country.